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The Pickwick Papers

The Pickwick Papers

Charles Dickens



In Dickens's first novel, Samuel Pickwick and three other members of the Pickwick Club decide to spend six months travelling around England observing the manners and habits of everyone they meet. Follow them on their hilarious adventures.

This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the text becomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explore historical background, cultural connections and other topics suggested by the text.

As well as the story, this reader contains:

- A wide range of activities practising the four skills.

- Dossier: Changes in England at the Time of The Pickwick Papers.

- Internet projects.

- PET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades 5 and 6).

- A full recording of the next.

- Summary-based activities on our website.

- An exit test and key on our website.


11,49 € añadir a pedido

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ISBN: 9788468203034

Edición: 1ª
Formato: 15x21


Tel 214 142 668 * 963 692 332

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