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Say Hello - Pupil's Book  1

Say Hello - Pupil's Book 1

Judy West



Say Hello is a new two-level Kindergarten English course for four-to five-years-olds.

The course is written by Judy West, who has extensive experience in both teaching and writing materials for young learners.

Say Hello is based around two engaging characters Tom and Polly together with their friend Ben the Bear.

At the heart of the methodology lies an emphasis on child-centered activities, and the puppet of Ben the Bear plays a key part in these.

Learning is introduced through a range of short and lively activities, these include listening and speaking, listening and pointing, singing and chanting, and playing games involving simple responses in English.


15,29 € à encomenda

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ISBN: 9781905085736
Nº Páginas 87

Edición: 1ª


Tel 214 142 668 * 963 692 332

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